Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Tuesday morning I was at the hospital in Casper, waiting to have my total thyroidectomy. Beth and Justin were with me. Dr. Anderson said the surgery would take about an hour. I remember talking to the anesthesiologist for a few minutes. And then the next thing I knew, I was being wheeled into my post-surgery room. I woke up to Justin's smiling face. I felt a bit loopy for about an hour.
The surgery went smoothly. Dr. Anderson said that all the cancer has been removed. He checked my lymph nodes and they were healthy. I did have a breathing tube put in my throat during surgery. The outside of my throat was a little sore. But the real pain was inside my throat. It felt like acid has been poured down my esophagus. Swallowing hurts. My wonderful nurses brought me hot herbal tea and beef broth. The hot liquid helped a bit.
My voice is a little scratchy. All in all things went very smoothly.  I stayed in the hospital until this morning around 11:00. My scar is about 3 inches across. It is bruising and very swollen. Hopefully in a few days it will look and feel better.

1 comment:

  1. Your scar looks like an adam's apple on the last photo!
